Wednesday, March 7, 2012


THE VETTING: Ben Smith Releases Selectively Edited Obama Race Video

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Earlier today, Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.” 
The video, which Kaczynski says was “licensed from a Boston television station,” shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright--about whom we will be releasing significant information in the coming hours.
However, the video has been selectively edited--either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia. Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News' Hannity.


  1. PAM, the perfect name for a retarded racist bitch! Obama isn’t a fraud. And it's alwayd proven that anyone who saids he is is a racist retard, even one who lies about his religion, his birthplace, etc. That's you, you teabagger racist liar! I rest my case!
    The right wing kooks are pushing this video as some sort of bombshell revelation. Normal people see this as a brilliant young man who one day became president (putting a lie to birther kook claims Obama was not even at Harvard). So why is the right wing noise machine making a big deal about this video from the past? Because it has Obama supporting racial diversity which is racist code word bell whistle politics to the racist right.

    This review is from: The Obama Hate Machine: The Lies, Distortions, and Personal Attacks on the President—and Who Is Behind Them (Hardcover)

    First let me state that I did not vote for Obama and I actually have referred to him as the “Messiah” (yes, I got it from Rush Limbaugh). I listened to and read many stories that attempted to make Obama alien, foreign and anti-American during his candidacy. The book covers all of this in detail from his candidacy to his current presidency the full throttle “hate” message from the right.
    I looked up the book here at after seeing an interview on TV with the author. I purchased the book primarily because all the reviews that first came out for this book read as if 1-no one actually read the book 2- they were either extremely pro-Obama or consumers of the hate-Machine.
    It intrigued me to read confirmation of my observation that the hatred and negativity directed towards Obama is equal in comparison to the hatred leveled at other Presidents we today regard in high esteem today – Lincoln and Roosevelt. I am not suggesting that Obama is anyway equal in stature to these presidents just that the hatred leveled at him and his family is equal in ferocity and intensity.
    The book is rather short and entertaining regardless of what side of the spectrum you are on. The book takes a historical view at Presidents in the past that were vilified and hated while in office. The book covers the many “I Hate Obama” books that have been written before and after Obama took office, the brothers Koch invention of the Tea Party and machinery, and the Role of Media. The author looks at all the charges (e.g. Obama’s relation with Bill Ayers), was not born here, etc.
    I recommend the book if you are like me more of an independent that puzzles over all the hatred and lies (Socialist? Tyrant? Anti-American?).

  2. As noted in Part I of The Obama Timeline, the editors of the Harvard Law Review elected Obama their president as a sympathetic gesture towards Bell, who was demanding that a black woman be appointed to the law faculty—a racist and sexist demand which Obama apparently fully supported. Bell is a proponent of “critical race theory,” which argues that the centuries-old foundation of law in the United States should be replaced by a system of justice that takes into account past inequities like slavery. Bell argues that the law should treat people not simply as individuals; it should also have different rules for different groups. Because of the injustices of slavery and past discrimination, for example, a convicted black crack cocaine dealer should be treated less harshly in his sentencing than a white drug dealer.


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